28 April 2007

On-Line Sapiens!

Excelenta denumire pentru omul mileniului III! Apartine lui Eduardo Peirano, care se autoprezinta asa:

"I am interested in Web 2.0 technologies, online learning, elearning 2.0, personal learning environments (PLEs). You can learn more about me: emapey's bookmarks tagged with "profile" on del.icio.us . I manage College 2.0 , a social community for elearning 2.0 faculty, students and administrators."

Am avut surpriza sa-l gasesc ca fan in contul meu de del.icio.us. Vi-l recomand calduros sa-l includeti ca membru al retelei voastre de del.cio.us.


  1. Gabriela, thank you very much for your post about me, my blog and my College 2.0 network. I would like to invite you and LMalita to join College 2.0, although we are already networked via Del.icio.us


  2. Hi Eduardo!

    I found your links in del.icio.us and your posts very valuable for myself and my students. I will join College 2.0 and I think my colleague Laura will do it, too.
