15 May 2008

Mind, Brain, and Education

Wiley-Blackwell is proud to announce that Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE), the journal of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society, has been named the 2007 Best New Journal in the Social Sciences & Humanities.

The Best New Journal award has been presented to MBE by the Association of American Publishers’ Professional & Scholarly Publishing (PSP) Division.

MBE is a unique and innovative journal that provides a forum for basic and applied research that unites biology, cognitive science, and education.
Ce mi se pare extraordinar este sectiunea de podcast! Sunet impecabil!
Adevarat ca editura Blackwell sprijina aceasta initiativa dar la noi oare nu se poate?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Intradevar o revista exceptionala.
    Poate contribui esential la modernizarea educatiei, in cel mai deplin sens al cuvantului.
    Iti multumesc ca ai semnalat-o, nobody is perfect, nu stiam de existenta ei.
