17 February 2010

The Microblogging alphabet

Had some fun creating the M-List: Let's see what microblogging is ... (red letters are for microblogging services/sites/apps).

A=  ambient intimacy (ask for help, arguing, aggregating thoughts) [ADOCU, anywr]
B =  backchannel (blogging in 140 characters, brainstorming) [Blip.fm, BEMOOD, BABL]
C = connect with friends, collaboration, communication channel (see Letter C) [CIRIP ]
D = discover, disseminate ideas, discussions [DRBZ ]
E = explore (providing) experiences, (meeting) experts, exchange opinions, social_echo chamber! [EDMODO]
F = follow the people that matter, FUN (enjoyable way to learn), find interesting people/subjects [FRIENDFEED, FLOORT ]
G = generate, genuinely multi-lingual (WRITE content in any language you want), groups, gather interests, gossips [GOZUB ]
H =  hashtags, hyperlinking (to support digital media, multimedia objects) [HELLOTXT, HOTSEAT, HICTU]
I = information sharing, interactions, (in)formal environment/learning beyond imagination [IDENTI.CA ]
J =  just-in time [JAIKU]
K = knowledge, know-how, key-events [KWIPPY ]
L = learning through conversations, liberty of speech/thoughts [LACONICA]
M = microblogging, multimedia, mobile, metacognition, monitoring everything [MEEMI ]
N = (social)networking, news [NOLYO ]
O = observe, organize/organizational, open(ess), optimism, online
P = (social) presence, practice C-R skills, private and public, participation [PLURK ]
Q = query, quizz, questions [QAIKU ]
R = resources, researching, reflecting, resolving, record, REAL TIME WEB
S = share your thoughts/ideas/feelings, search, surveying, spontaneous, spam [SHOUTHEM ]
T = tracking community/ideas/tags, trivia, teamwork, traffic [TWITTER ]
U = users, understanding, ubiquitous, up to date, URL [UTTERLI ]
V = voice, vibrating, virus of change
W = What’s happening?,  worth to invest time, will to be involved, the world, the way to connect/interact, to be there [WATWET ]
X = xeonophobia, Xanadu of “C” World
Y = Yes You Can! Ying-Yang of social media, year-around [YAMMER, YONKLY ]
Z = zirconium of social networking sites [ZAZAZOO, ZANNEL]
Any help, suggestion, comment to improve the list is appreciate.


  1. interesanta lista cu "alfabetul tehnic"

  2. super..chestii intelingente
