26 September 2007

Ce mica e lumea!

Acum ceva vreme am postat in cadrul retelei College 2.0, dezvoltata de Eduardo Peirano o intrebare despre modalitati de vizualizare a retelelor sociale:Vizualisation of social networks - College 2.0. Mai exact, eram curioasa sa stiu ce soft as putea folosi pentru analiza legaturilor dintre bloguri. Am primit urmatorul raspuns de la Britt Watwood, total neasteptat:

It is a small world but I thought Gabriela and Eduardo would find this interesting...as it revolves around our membership here in College 2.0. Last month through this site, Gabriela shared a very nice article she had written on using delicious for learning, which I shared with one of my colleagues here in Virginia, Jeff Nugent. Jeff in turn was contacted by a friend in Shanghai about the Learning 2.0 conference, and we learned that Jeff Utecht, who took over Nugent's job in Shanghai, was using a Ning site to run his conference. Jeff renewed several contacts virtually through the Learning 2.0 site, and he dutifully saved the site to his delicious account. When he looked at who else had saved this site, he noted that it was first saved by "ggrosseck"....prompting a quick call to me to come to his office and see it!

It is fascinating to me that in the space of a month, two of us here in Virginia made contacts with colleagues in China and yet were linked back to a colleague in Romania, thanks to a colleague in Uruguay. Thomas Friedman is right, it is a very flat world!

Ce mica e lumea asta!

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