30 September 2008

De pe microblog

Vineri,26 Septembrie 2008 14:11:27 - illegal in America, http://www.reason.com/images/07cf533ddb1d06350cf1ddb5942ef5ad.jpg
Vineri,26 Septembrie 2008 19:14:15 - an odd youtube videoclip (look at your screen), http://www.youtube.com/experiencewii
Vineri,26 Septembrie 2008 19:15:50 - Am postat acum 5 zile o melodie cu Horia Brenciu de septembrie, http://www.cirip.ro/status/245137 (i-am pus si tagul)
Vineri,26 Septembrie 2008 19:33:31 - Today we celebrate G. Gerswhin, , Enjoy! #toamna
Vineri,26 Septembrie 2008 20:23:45 - great widget creator, http://www.wowzio.com/ like it!
Vineri,26 Septembrie 2008 20:40:16 - Hm, un gust amar citind despre andragogie, http://bancadetalente.blogspot.com/2008/09/andragogie.html, cata dreptate!
Vineri,26 Septembrie 2008 20:52:21 - via @manafu , Migratorii, un documentar despre 4 milioane de romani,
Vineri,26 Septembrie 2008 21:00:24 - In direct laUniunea Europeana, http://www.europarltv.europa.eu/StartPage.aspx
Vineri,26 Septembrie 2008 21:05:21 - reading, http://www.danah.org/papers/talks/MSR-NE-2008.html and after that enjoying my evening!
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 08:38:20 - 'neatza! Cu MixTube, un septembrie de #toamna digitala, http://mixtube.org/playlist.php?id=1017
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 09:46:15 - Despre microblogging cu JogThe Web, http://www.jogtheweb.com/reader/index.php?trackId=680
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 09:51:16 - What do you think: Can we use microblogging as e-portfolio in our courses?: yes (1) or no (2) ? http://tinyurl.com/3phuxu [+]
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 09:56:56 - Like this strawpoll, a survey on 160 characters on twitter / great for using with students, http://twitter.com/strawpoll/
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 10:44:33 - this has to be interesting, / / I will think how it's fit to cirip
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 10:48:11 - si ce surpriza am : apar si eu! in aceasta lista /
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 10:46:45 - Jane Hart a alcatuit o lista cu conturile actorilor educationali cei mai importanti http://www.c4lpt.co.uk/socialmedia/edutwitter.html
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 10:56:24 - some applications to look at, http://tinyurl.com/4kdrlk [+]
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 11:00:53 - it's saturday / it's 11 so time for family
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 11:20:19 - Humor: Professor wikipedia, http://tinyurl.com/5g2kbr [+]
Sambata,27 Septembrie 2008 08:29:00 - Ce mai poti folosi cu studentii:"Nu stiu altii cum sunt dar " cred ca, la un anumit moment, avem cu totii sentimentul ne link
Duminica,28 Septembrie 2008 11:34:08 - retweet: http://ggrosseck.strawpollnow.com/
Duminica,28 Septembrie 2008 11:43:55 -
Duminica,28 Septembrie 2008 14:00:47 - No comment: http://internettime.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/themus.jpg
Duminica,28 Septembrie 2008 14:25:30 - septembrie la noi pe cirip (mesajele postate cu tagul #toamna):

Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 09:14:05 - morning! only 2 days until the new academic year! lots of papers to do / the same old story at the begining : crowd, noise, effervescence
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 09:17:26 - can't imagine that are people to do this: http://tinyurl.com/3lhjsh [+]
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 10:21:00 - @sorina Buna (tuturor, la fel!) Multumim de urari. "Deschidem" portile de-abia in 1octombrie, spre dupa-masa, datorita lipsei de spatiu :(
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 10:24:59 - I found Agglom, http://www.agglom.com/ for sharing sets of links. Have to test / maybe it's better than LinkBuch, http://linkbun.ch/
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 10:30:48 - lots of different good stuff for today; for eg. PlisTube, http://www.plistube.com/ better (or different?) than MixTube, http://mixtube.org/
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 11:33:14 - "It’s Time to Give the Best of Twitter Some Pulitzers" I'm note sure about it - http://mashable.com/2008/08/31/twitter-awards/
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 11:31:12 - 50 moments of Internet history to remember, http://tinyurl.com/3lgyfh [+]
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 12:31:15 - Nice article: how to think like Leonardo da Vinci, http://litemind.com/how-to-think-like-leonardo-da-vinci/
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 13:23:33 - Just tried Agglom - here is the result : Microblogging - Agglom http://tinyurl.com/4mlz9v [+] / ; I think I stick with JogTheWeb and FlowGram
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 13:55:25 - eh, via Jane Hart, cum sa folosesti fontul de la Google in scopuri proprii, http://googlefont.com/,

Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 14:00:08 - actori educationali din Australia si Asia, http://elearningtwits.wikispaces.com/
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 14:03:48 - nice visualization of tweets, http://tweet3d.com/
Luni,29 Septembrie 2008 15:51:36 - At my first Agglom, http://www.agglom.com/agglom/36362/Microblogging I received suggestions, links and preentations! Great to work in groups
Marti,30 Septembrie 2008 07:30:43 - 'morning! for the last day of september, a smile: new US$ in circulation,

Marti,30 Septembrie 2008 09:21:54 - Funny: I follow you, but what about vice-versa? http://doesfollow.com/
Marti,30 Septembrie 2008 09:27:53 - Wikispaces looks great! new options !
Marti,30 Septembrie 2008 09:46:47 - Utilising Web 2.0 in local government: http://tinyurl.com/3rhyer [+]
Marti,30 Septembrie 2008 09:56:12 - First International on-line conference - 5-6 November 2008, http://www.trainersineurope.org/conference/
Marti,30 Septembrie 2008 10:01:05 - 7 pages about twitter on business,
Marti,30 Septembrie 2008 10:06:22 - I'm not that old, am I? http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/websites-we-visit-how-they-look-like-10-years-ago/
Marti,30 Septembrie 2008 10:14:30 - 10 points to Chris Brogan commenting on T.Karrer blog post, http://elearningtech.blogspot.com/2008/09/twitter-mass-follow-nevermind.html
Marti,30 Septembrie 2008 10:19:26 - Web 20 apps in knowledge management, what's missing here?

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